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Pet Focus Aviary & Cage Cleaner

  • Ready-to-use one-step cage cleaner
  • Breaks down bird poop and safeguards against cross contamination
  • Spray on, wipe off or air dry
  • Safe on cages
  • $13.79 $6.66
  • Discontinued
  • Buy 2 or more for $32.19 each
  • $32.99
  • - +
The less time you spend cleaning, the more time you can spend with your bird! Certified bird-safe and safeguards against cross contaminations. It uses four ammonium compounds blended with surfactants to break down bird poop. Non-abrasive, non-acid performance. Simply spray on, wipe off or air dry. Safe on cages. Just rinse to use on feeding dishes or syringes.
Store in original container in areas inaccessible to small children. Do not store on side. Avoid creasing or impacting side walls of container. Do not re-use empty container. Wrap and discard in trash (or recycle).
Read label completely before using this product. To use as a One-Step Cleaner: Pre-clean soiled areas. Apply undiluted solution to hard non-porous surface. Wipe down surface and air dry. Note: Rinsing is not necessary unless food will come in contact with the treated surface. Food contact surfaces must be rinsed with potable water.
Octyl Decyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 0.026%
Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 0.013%
Dioctyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 0.013%
Alkyl C14, 50%; C12, 40%; C16, 10%
dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 0.034%
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