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Love Your Bird: Joy Sings Joyous Songs

Joy (Congo African Grey) is my Joy. I am a music teacher and singer. I have taught her many songs like "Happy Birthday" and "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" She can whistle the Andy Griffith tune and Jeopardy. She can add, telling you that "2+2 is 4!" and "4 + 1 is 5." She has a varied vocabulary, but the thing I like most to hear her say is "Momma's home!" She says this whenever I come home from work or shopping. Joy is seven years old now and has brought me seven years of happiness. I love her dearly.

- Tanya V. in West Virginia

Have Your Own "Love Your Bird" Story? We Want to Hear It!

If you have a funny or sweet story about your bird (and let's be honest, what parront doesn't) share it with us!

The winning submissions will be featured in our catalog, on our website and on social media.

To Enter

Click here and write a brief paragraph or two about why you love your bird! And don't forget to upload a fun picture of your feathered friend.

Who knows... maybe the next bird we feature will be yours!

Don't Miss These Other Feathertastic Birds!

Rio the African Grey Meets His Soul Mate
Meko the Comforting Cockatiel
Maggie the Macaw

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