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What's For Dinner

Pet birds can eat both germinated and ungerminated seeds but, with a few exceptions, seeds and nuts should not be a regular part of your pet bird's primary diet. They should be reserved as treats only.

A recent study has shown that generally the dietary needs for a pet bird can be met with a diet containing about 75 percent pellets and 25 percent carefully selected healthy low fat table foods.

Birds love the taste and colorful look of most fruits, both dried and fresh.

Most birds LOVE pasta! Just be sure to check out which foods are toxic to birds to make sure you don't accidentally give your feathered friend something you shouldn't.

For a list of foods that are toxic to birds and for more bird tips, check out the Discovery Center at

For a list of foods that are toxic to birds and for more bird tips, check out the Discovery Center at

Although too many treats can lead to obesity, the right balance of healthy treats is necessary for your bird.

Treats are a great addition to your bird's diet when used in moderation. A good guideline is not to make treats more than 5 to 10% of your bird's diet.

Treats that are a mix of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds offer a healthy solution for training, entertainment and strengthening the bond between you and your bird.

For more bird tips, check out the Discovery Center at

Tips for Feeding Your Bird

Important Vitamins and Minerals for Pet Birds

My First Bird: What Should I Feed My New Bird

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