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How to Store Bird Seed and Keep Bugs Out

Nobody wants bugs crawling around in their bird's food, but keeping your bird's food free from insects can be difficult. The dark little bugs that crawl around in your cupboards and food storage containers are called Indian meal moths, or more commonly, seed moths. They can find their way into any grain-related food item, such as pet food, flour, cereals, pastas, and more. Adults lay hundreds of eggs in the grain, and when the caterpillars hatch, they use the grain as food to mature and become adult moths. In the process, food and storage containers become full of crawling little bugs and their webs.


There are ways to prevent seed moths. It's important to store food in an airtight container and keep it in a cool, dry place.

If you don't have an adequate storage location, try not to buy too much food at one time. A six-month supply may stay fresh during the winter months, but during the summer months, a two to four week supply may be as long as you can go. After seed moths find one grain product, they can easily spread to more, so it's important to stay ahead of seed moths – saving you and your birds from infestation.


Seed moths can be hard to control because they multiply quickly, and then they find their way into tiny crevices and corners. Of course, you don't want to spray any food with pesticides to get rid of them because pesticides are dangerous for your bird. Instead, if you find seed moths in your bird food, thoroughly clean and vacuum your containers in every nook and cranny. A flour moth trap will attract the adult males to prevent reproduction. The females will eventually die off as well, but this may take up to six weeks.

The best way to keep your bird's food insect-free is to take the necessary steps for prevention. It will save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run!

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