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What Your Bird Needs from You

Having a companion bird is a lot of work, so understanding what things your bird needs from you is crucial for taking proper care of him. Although each bird is different, every bird has general needs that you should be aware of. Here are some tips that we hope will help you meet your bird's needs!

How Can I Give My Bird a Good Life?

  • Be observant and make an effort to understand him. Understanding your bird is a long process, but it is definitely worth the effort in the end. Try to see things from his perspective. Pay attention to his body language, his fears, his behaviors, and his preferences. Observe his feathers, his droppings, and his eating habits so you'll notice abnormalities.

  • Set a consistent schedule, as well as clear boundaries. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior, and have everyone in your family reinforce the same boundaries. Keep his sleep schedule consistent, as this will greatly impact behavior.

  • Be patient and make changes slowly. Big events, such as moving, traveling, or even a new cage, can be traumatic for birds. Helping your bird slowly adjust to these changes is crucial for his mental health. Familiarizing him with new things a little at a time will go a long ways. Constantly reassure him when changes occur.

  • When it comes to the question of how do you make your bird trust you, the answer is spend quality time with your bird. Don't simply give him attention when he is behaving negatively. Bonding with your bird can be done through training, feeding, bathing, playing, or exercising. Teaching your bird to "step-up" or talk will help establish proper boundaries and increase his trust in you.

  • Ensure that your bird is receiving the nutrients that he needs. Proper nutrition is a staple within your bird's life. This includes providing him with all the necessary bird vitamins and minerals his body needs. Malnutrition leads to a weakened immune system, disease, and bad behavior.

  • Make sure that he is receiving enough exercise, playtime, and light. All of these factors greatly impact his mental and physical health. Ensure that your bird has enough room in his cage, and that he has time out of his cage. Offer him a variety of toys for enrichment and stimulation, and make sure that he is receiving unfiltered sunlight or full-spectrum lighting, which helps birds synthesize vitamin D.

Similar to having a toddler around the house, companion birds can be demanding and exhausting. But they can also be a big blessing in your life. Properly meeting your bird's needs can make or break your relationship with him!

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