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Love Your Bird: Loki the Big Bird in a Little Body

I love that Loki (Green Cheek Conure) gets excited when I come home and will follow me everywhere. It's never a dull moment with his antics, and performing his tricks at random times thinking a treat will appear. Of course, he always gets rewarded for his efforts. I love seeing him tear up every toy possible with glee.

He's never afraid and has helped me overcome some anxiety. I have learned a lot of patience from being with him, training and researching the best care. He is also great with people and has helped several conquer their fear of birds, so he is an amazing ambassador for the softer side of pet parrots and education for exotics. My life has more color with Loki in it and I couldn't ask for a better companion bird.

- Cassandra S. in Texas

Have Your Own "Love Your Bird" Story? We Want to Hear It!

If you have a funny or sweet story about your bird (and let's be honest, what parront doesn't) share it with us!

The winning submissions will be featured in our catalog, on our website and on social media.

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Click here and write a brief paragraph or two about why you love your bird! And don't forget to upload a fun picture of your feathered friend.

Who knows... maybe the next bird we feature will be yours!

Don't Miss These Other Feathertastic Birds!

Bob the Calming Conure
Oscar the Lovey Lovebird
Koko and her Feathered and Non-Feathered Friends

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